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Encinal Jr. Sr. High School | Home of the Jets








Art and Photo Club Eggett Remi Langwerowski Every other Wednesday Lunch 3115 Come together to create art.
AVID Club Dellefield Alicia Parks Room 2203

Provide service projects for community service hours and to fundraise for team build activities.

AYOUTH Schoeffler Finnean Rodgers Every other Wednesday at lunch RM 6101 A chapter of AYOUTH non-profit which aids homeless, Providing resources such as food and clothes.
Birdie Club Phillips Keira Kauv Every other Wednesday at lunch RM 6108 A club for Badminton players (new and experienced) to come together to play.
Baking Club Hsu Junyi Li Every other Friday at lunch RM 2015 To unify students with baking and sharing baked goods.
Band Club Wagner Lalena Simon

Period 2

RM 7108

A club for Badminton players (new and experienced) to come together to play.
Black Student Union Lyons Hanadi Ali Every other Thursday at lunch RM 5102 Promoting awareness and appreciation of African American Culture. 
Book Club Maggi

Katya Pabarcus

Cassia Jackson



    Read and

discuss books


Card Club Lyons Zac Struthers

Every lunch

RM 1101

A space for students to play and share card games. 
Craft Initiative Eggett Mika Hernandez 1st Wednesday Lunch RM 3115 Craft for a change.
Ceramics Club Schoeffler Astrid Norberg Tuesday Lunch RM 6101 Extend the learning of ceramics class.
Chinese Club Pabarcus Izzy Xie  Wednesdays at lunch RM 4102 A space for Chinese students to develop community.
Chinese Literature & History Club  Fobian Baron Kwong Wednesdays at lunch RM 2215 Spreading Chinese culture through Literature and History.
Class of 2025 Pabarcus Griffin Chen T-W-F Lunch 6110 ASB Senior Leadership
Class of 2026 Linville Kiely Wong T-W Lunch 6110 ASB Junior Leadership
Class of 2027 Tran Samuel Phu First Friday of the month in RM 1103 ASB Sophomore  Leadership
Class of 2028 Locke Logan Chen Tuesdays 4th period RM 6110 ASB Freshman Leadership
Crochet Club Calahane Claire Paano Wednesday Lunch RM 2102 Learn to crochet
Debate Club Lee Katey Lee Monday Lunch RM 2111 To improve public speaking and critical thinking by defending a giver argument.
DECA Lyons Keira Kauv Bi-weekly Wednesday Lunch and After School RM 5102 Encinal DECA Chapter
DIY Club Ku Junyi Li Thursday Lunch RM 9203 To learn how to make cute crafts together. Yay Community!
Drama Club


Samantha Cleminshaw Thursday Lunch RM 1101 Enrich the performing arts community.
Environmental Cooperative Pabarcus Malia Gordon Every other Tuesday Lunch 2212 Teaching sustainability and protecting the environment.
Food Club Fobian Liwen Huang Every other Monday Lunch RM 2215 To learn about the significant background of food while eating.


(Gender and Sexuality Association)

Calahane Emilia Arneson


Tuesday Lunch


To provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ students and those who support.
Get More Reel Film  Club Maggi Milinda Nearez Lunch RM 2204 Screen films as a community.
Girls Who STEM Villar Morgan Chen 2nd Monday Lunch RM3101 To  help girls develop STEM skills.
Health & Youth  Kim Selena Cifuentes Wednesday Lunch RM 1107 To educate students about jobs in the STEM field.
Helping Hands Rana Keith Reina Wednesday 12:20-1:00 RM 3112

Provide space for students to socialize and learn social emotional skills to use in their life.

Helping Paws Linville Morgan Chen 2nd Tuesday Lunch RM 2101 To help animals in need and support local animal shelter and organizations.
HOSA-Future Health Professionals Olszewski-Jubelirer Durga Kusuma 1st Wednesday Lunch RM 1106 To bring high school students aspiring for a future in the medical field the opportunity to participate in conferences and competitions recognized by the US Dept. of Education.
Investing Club McNulty Oliver Miles Tuesday Lunch RM 2103 Educate students about stocks.
Japanese Culture Club Taylor Kira Hannigan Every other Friday Lunch RM 1101 Sharing/ teaching Japanese cooking, crafts, media, language and more.
Jewish Student Union Linville Hannah Reid Lunch 2102 To bring Jewish communities together and to do fun Jewish activities.
Journalism Linville      
Junior Jets Leadership Doan & Ku      
Junior Jets Leadership



  Tuesdays Lunch 9203  Build character, while developing into a leader.
Key Club Beering Sean Phu Wednesday Lunch 1102  Our members make the world a better place through service.
Kindness Club Pabarcus Astrid Heifner Every other Tuesday Lunch RM 4102 Help people by making cards and fundraising for people in need.
KJTZ Radio Club Gorham Phoebe Neff-Cooper Twice a month in Radio Room 6111 Community building through Encinal Radio Station. 
Mongolian Culture Club Fobian Ujin Bolutuli First Wednesday Lunch RM 2215 To share more about Mongolian culture, traditions, music, food, and more.
Model UN Pabarcus Eugene Kruger Wednesdays Lunch 2212 Education members about the world, international affairs and conferences.
National Honor Society Kerber August Kiuchi

Every Other Friday


Media Center

Promote an academically driven community through service, career discussion and planning. 

Naturalist Club


Olszewski-Jubelire Leaife Wilson

Garden & Science Building

Encourage students to engage in the practice of a naturalist.
Orchestra Club Wagner


Period 3


Get More students involved in music. 
Quill and Scroll  Linville

Maleia Ferguson

Monthly Lunch RM 2101 Supporting and recognizing individual student initiative and achievement in scholastic journalism, regardless of the medium.
Red Cross Fobian Kathy Le

Tuesdays Lunch


A part of the larger Red Cross community and providing community service.
Reading for Equity Maggi Evan Toras Monthly Lunch 2204 To embrace culturally relevant texts, read and discuss.
Robotics Club Ward Colin Jenkins

Monday &

After school to 5:30 


Make robots and win Encinal awards at competitions.

World Wellness Club 


Beering Summer Kanyamasa

Last Wednesday of Month 

Lunch RM 1102