SAT and ACT Information
2024-2025 Upcoming SAT Dates
The ACT and SAT exams are no longer used to determine admission to the CSU or UC. Not taking the exam will not hurt your chances of acceptance.
Test Date | Registration Deadline | Late Fee Required |
Aug. 24 | Aug. 9 | Aug. 13 |
Oct. 5 | Sept. 20 | Sept. 24 |
Nov. 2 | Oct. 18 | Oct. 22 |
Dec. 7 | Nov. 22 | Nov. 26 |
Mar. 8 | Feb. 21 | Feb. 25 |
May 3 | Apr. 18 | Apr. 22 |
June 7 | May 22 | May 27 |
2024-2025 Upcoming ACT Dates
The ACT and SAT exams are no longer used to determine admission to the CSU or UC. Not taking the exam will not hurt your chances of acceptance.
Test Date | Registration Deadline | Late Deadline | Photo Upload Standby Deadline |
Sep. 14 | Aug. 9 | Aug. 25 | Sept. 6 |
Oct. 28 | Sept. 20 | Oct. 7 | Oct. 18 |
Dec. 14 | Nov. 8 | Nov. 22 | Dec. 6 |
Feb. 8 | Jan. 3 | Jan. 20 | Jan. 31 |
Apr. 5 | Feb. 28 | Mar. 16 | Mar. 28 |
Jun. 14 | May 9 | May 26 | Jun. 6 |
Jul. 12 | Jun. 6 | Jun. 20 | Jul. 4 |
Prep Classes
SAT Subject tests are no longer being offered by the College Board as of January 19th, 2021.